Tag Archives: Christ as our Mediator

The People Stood Far Off (Worship Service, June 3rd, 2018)

Title: The People Stood Far Off

Passage: Exodus 20:18-26

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: June 3rd, 2018

As we went through the commandments, we found again and again our need of forgiveness. God’s standards are high and holy. When we measure ourselves against God’s standard, we find that we have missed the mark. We are sinners. The Israelites knew this as well, so they drew away and stood far off. If you have ever felt unworthy to draw near to God, this passage is for you. We sinners must draw near to God. But how?

Washing Sin from the Soul (Worship Service, November 5th, 2017)

Title: Cleansing From Sin

Passage:  Hebrews 10:1-22

Speaker: Dr. Kevin T. Bauder

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: November 5th, 2017