Category Archives: 13 1 Thessalonians

Spiritual Growth 2: the Goal (Sunday School, June 3rd, 2018)

Series: Spiritual Growth

Segment #2

Topic: The Goal

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday School

Date: June 3rd, 2018

A Baptist Catechism: Questions 46-47 (Sunday School, October 22nd, 2017)

Question 46: What shall be done to the wicked at their death?

The souls of the wicked shall at their death be cast into the torments of hell, and their bodies lie in their graves till the resurrection, and judgment of the great day. 

Question 47: What shall be done to the wicked at the Day of Judgment?

At the Day of Judgment the bodies of the wicked being raised out of their graves, shall be sentenced, together with their souls, to unspeakable torments with the devil and his angels forever. 

Speaker: Eric White

Service: Sunday School

Date: October 22nd, 2017