Tag Archives: Psalm 90

The Covenant Love of God (Worship Service, October 16th, 2016)

Title: The Covenant Love of God

Passage: Psalm 90: 12-17

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: October 16th, 2016

Very few men really consider God’s wrath against sin. Very few know the anger God has with men when they turn from the reverence due to God. It is with this dire condition of mankind in mind that Moses turns in vv 12-17 to seek the mercy of the eternal God. These verses reflect how a man of God seeks the grace of God in light of the sad reality of the frail human condition. If God is our dwelling place, these verses show how he is so for his own. So Moses’s prayer suggests three ways we must seek God’s grace:

The Eternity of God (Worship Service, October 2nd, 2016)

Title: The Eternity of God

Passage: Psalm 90: 1-4

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: October 2nd, 2016

At this point, my plan is to preach Psalm 90 in three sermons. Moses writes this Psalm to God as a prayer for his saving grace, and in so doing urges all men to trust the eternal God of grace. That’s the big idea, that we should trust God. Here we see three aspects of our eternal God’s character that makes him trustworthy.