Tag Archives: How God Dealt with Israel

A Kingdom of Priests (Worship Service, February 4th, 2018)

Title: A Kingdom of Priests

Passage: Exodus 19: 1-18

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: February 4th, 2018

Exodus 19–24 is one of the most important passages of the Old Testament and entire scriptures. The covenant God makes with Israel in these chapters becomes the framework through which the great majority of the Old Testament is to be understood.

Our passage is really about God. He is a God of manifold grace, and that grace is seen in the covenant of Sinai. The text makes clear that what happens at Sinai represents his glorious desire for his chosen people. When we pause to look at how God is treating his people in Exod 19, we ought to be ready to proclaim the excellencies of this God who graciously cuts covenants with mankind.

Now I Know That the LORD Is Greater (Worship Service, January 21th, 2018)

Title: Now I Know That the LORD Is Greater

Passage: Exodus 18

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: January 21st, 2018

The story of Jethro is primarily given to us to make this important point: All men ought to give the true God glory for his wonderful works. Even during this time of salvation history where God is dealing primarily with Israel, God’s dealings with them is intended to bring all the nations to confess that Yahweh is the true God. Every man, woman, and child ought to give God the glory due his name.