Tag Archives: Giving

Israel’s Building Project (Exodus 35:4-39:43)

Title: Israel’s Building Project

Passage: Exodus 35:4-39:43

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: April 14, 2019

The focus throughout these chapters is on the people as they get to work on the sanctuary. We will pay special attention to how the Scriptures present Israel in these chapters. As you consider look at Israel’s example, you should ask yourself a question. If Israel is acting thus about the Tabernacle which pointed to Christ, how much more should these things be true of me, a follower of Christ himself? How should God’s people respond to his grace?

Bring an Offering (Worship Service, September 16, 2018)

Title: Bring an Offering

Passage: Exodus 25:1-9

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: September 16, 2018

At the end of ch. 24, Moses ascended into the cloud of glory at the summit of Sinai. The first thing that Moses records the Lord speaking to him is that the people should take an offering: “Speak to the people of Israel, that they take for me a contribution.” This message is on Israel’s offering. This offering is significant theologically and practically.

Covenant Worship (Worship Service, August 5th, 2018)

Title: Covenant Worship

Passage: Exodus 23:13-19

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: August 5th, 2018

Worship is vital in Yahweh’s covenant with Israel. There is nothing more important than God. There is no being higher than God. There is no one more deserving of worship than the one true God. For these reasons, God surrounds all of Israel’s life in covenant community with the priority of worship. In Ex 23, we see how central worship is in God’s covenant with Israel. Israel is not a secular nation. She is a sacred nation, a kingdom of priests, and God demands not only her obedience, but her worship. This text from the old covenant teaches us how essential worship is for man.

Covenant Justice (Worship Service, July 29th, 2018)

Title: Covenant Justice

Passage: Exodus 23:1-12

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: July 29th, 2018

Today, we see that the Lord wants his people to magnify his justice. He wants his people to uphold and protect justice. He wants his justice, as much as is humanly possible, to reflected in the resolution of disputes among his people.