Tag Archives: Genealogies

The Human Son, (Luke 3:23-3)

Title: The Human Son

Passage: Luke 3:23-38

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: April 25th, 2021

Genealogies aren’t always exiting. Sometimes they puzzle us, and we struggle to stay awake while we read them in out morning devotions. But as you’ll see I hope you’ll see today, Luke does not give us a passage like this perfunctory or pointless list of names. We can take great profit from a passage like this. Here are four things we can learn from Luke’s genealogy of Jesus Christ:
1. Christ’s Virgin Birth
2.Christ the Fulfillment of Prophecy
3. Christ the Son of Sinful Men
4. Christ the Representative of All Humanity

Unlikely Servants (Worship Service, May 14th, 2017)

Title: Unlikely Servants

Passage: Exodus 6:9-30

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: May 14th, 2017

After the response of Israel to the Lord’s message through Moses in v 9, the passage has a chiastic or x-like pattern in vv 10-30. Moses is the focus in vv 10-12. Then Moses and Aaron in v 13. Next the genealogy of Moses and Aaron in vv 14-25, followed by a return to Aaron and Moses in vv 26-27, and finally, Moses again in vv 28-30. The passage confirms the truths of vv 1-8, and shows that the Exodus is ultimately the Lord’s work. The Lord is the one who delivers his people. Yes, God uses servants, but he is the one who gets the glory. The primary point of this sermon this morning is that the Lord accomplishes his purposes no matter what.