Tag Archives: Firstborn

Unleavened, Part 2 (Worship Service, September 3rd, 2017)

Title: Unleavened, Part 2

Passage: Exodus 12:42-13:16

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: September 3rd, 2017

We have considered the Exodus from two aspects: what it teaches us about our Redeemer God and the response the redeemed ought to offer their God. We find these responses given by the Israelite’s example and the demands God lays out for them. The Exodus means that God is saving a people for himself. He wants the Hebrew people to know Him. He will dwell with this people and be their God. This means that things must be different for the Israelites. This week, we look at two more responses of redeemed people to their Redeemer.