Tag Archives: Pastor Ryan Martin

Benedictus, (Luke 1:57-80)

Title: Benedictus

Passage: Luke 1:57-80

Speaker: Pastor Ryan, Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: December 13th 2020

Luke gives at least two important lessons from the birth of John. I hope as we consider this passage that our own faith in Christ will be strengthened like that of Zachariah’s.

  1. Zechariah’s faith
  2. Zechariah’s Prophecy

Preface To The Good News

Title: The Preface to the Good News

Passage: Luke 1: 1-4

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: November 15, 2020

As Luke lays out his purposes and plans for this book, we learn important facets of the Christian faith. I want you to see four of those this morning.