Tag Archives: June 12

Second Adam from Above (Worship Service, June 12, 2016)

Title: Second Adam from Above

Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:44b-49

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: June 12th 2016

In vv. 44b-49, the Holy Spirit wants us to understand how the risen Christ gloriously saves us by his grace for our future eternal life. It is not just that we will be saved for eternal bliss, but Jesus is the only one that can do this for us. How does Christ gloriously save us by his grace for our future eternal life? Paul gives three ways:
1.The risen Christ will bestow full Spiritual life (vv. 44-46).
2.The risen Christ will fit us for heavenly life (vv. 47-48).