Tag Archives: Wisdom

Jesus in His Father’s House (Luke 2:39-52)

Title: Jesus in Hid Father’s House

Passage: Luke 2:39-52

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: January 31, 2021

The structure of the end of Luke 2 is vital to understand the text as a whole. The story is buttressed by two similar summaries about the boyhood of Christ . These two similar summary statements are the key to our understanding of Jesus. Then to further press home the point, Luke gives us a real-life example of the point he is making.

  1. The Human Growth of Christ
  2. The Father’s Grace Upon Christ
  3. An Example from Christ’s Life

Nebuchadnezzar and the Most High God (Daniel 1-5

Series: Daniel

Segment: #10

Topic: Nebuchadnezzar and the Most High God

Speaker: Dr. Eric White

Service: Midweek Bible Study

Date: November 4th, 2020