Tag Archives: Theft

Covenant Restitution (Worship Service, July 1st, 2018)

Title: Covenant Restitution

Passage: Exodus 21:33-22:15

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: July 1st, 2018

The passage before us this morning is in the middle of what Ex 21:1 calls the rules of God’s covenant with Israel. After God spoke the Decalogue to Israel from Sinai, Israel pleaded with Moses that he be their mediator so that they no longer had to listen to God. Following laws about altars, Ex 21:1 introduces the long section we are now in. This morning, we consider more of these rules. In particular, we will look at God’s laws concerning restitution

Steal No More (Worship Service, May 6th, 2018)

Title: Steal No More

Passage: Exodus 20:15

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: May 6th, 2018

As we meditate on the 8 C, we find that it actually speaks to more than simply bare theft and robbery. Once again, God’s word bids us go further and deeper.