Tag Archives: Sexual Immorality

The Antidote to Idolatry (Exodus 34:18-28; 35:1-3)

Title: The Antidote to Idolatry

Passage: Exodus 34:18-28; 35:1-3

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: March 31, 2019

The verses before us this morning give something of a positive plan for Israel to retain covenant fidelity to Yahweh. Yes, the program echoes the covenant laws of Exodus 23, but they show that Israel’s covenant with Yahweh has two key facets. Israel must reject false gods, but they must also be devoted in heart and hand to Yahweh, the true God.

A Consecrated People (Worship Service, July 8th, 2018)

Title: A Consecrated People

Passage: Exodus 22:16-31

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: July 8th, 2018

This morning, we see several times where Yahweh demands that his people be like himself, the God of the covenant. This is our focus on as we look at the Scriptures this morning, to notice the link between Israel’s Law and God’s will that his people be like him. For the purposes of structure, I’ve divided our text into three different ideas.