Tag Archives: Refuge in Christ

Rage Against or Refuge in Christ, Part 2 (Psalm 2)

Title: Rage Against, or Refuge in, Christ

Passage: Psalm 2

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: June 23, 2019

There are two ways to live. We are either in the way of the righteous or in the way of the wicked. Psalm 2 urges us to take refuge in Christ negatively, from the perspective of the wicked who defy God. There are four reasons here to take refuge in Christ.

Rage Against or Refuge in Christ, Part 1 (Psalm 2)

Title: Rage Against, or Refuge in, Christ

Passage: Psalm 2

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: June 16, 2019

In Psalm 1, the Holy Spirit presents the substance of life very simply. There are two ways to live. The same choice is before us in Psalm 2. In Psalm 2, the two ways are presented with emphasis on the wicked and their foolish rejection of God. We either rage against Christ or take refuge in Christ. We either oppose God with the nations and perish, or trust in God and enjoy divine blessing. This Psalm presents several reasons to take refuge in Christ.