Tag Archives: Moses’ Trust in God

The Sacred Name, Part 1 (Worship Service, February 5th, 2017)

Title: The Sacred Name

Passage: Exodus 3:10-15

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: February 5th, 2017

God calls each one of us to be something extraordinary; he calls each one of us to our life’s work. And in each of these spiritual and vocation callings, we, like Moses, need to trust the God who calls us. Whether we’re Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt, or we’re a man who believes God might have called him to be a pastor, or we’re a housewife struggling to homeschool, or we’re a believer struggling to be holy, we, like Moses, need to trust the God who calls us. God’s answers to Moses in this passage give us three reasons to trust God ourselves.