Tag Archives: Baptism

Filled in Christ

Colossians 2: 10-12

Speaker: Ryan Martin

Service: Morning Worship Service

Date: December 8, 2019

We have something better than philosophy in Christ because of who he is (v 9), and because of what he has done for us (vv 10-15). What has the Son of God done for us that makes him so worthy of our continued faith?

A Baptist Catechism: Question 88 (Sunday School, April 14th, 2019)

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday School

Catechism Question: 88

Date: April 14th, 2019

What is the duty of those rightly baptized?

It is the duty of those rightly baptized, to give up themselves to some particular and orderly Church of Jesus Christ, that they may walk in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.

A Baptist Catechism: Questions 85-86 (Sunday School, April 7th, 2019)

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday School

Catechism Questions: 85 & 86

Date: April 7th, 2019

Baptized Into Christ (Worship Service, April 9, 2017)

Title: Baptized Into Christ

Passage: Exodus 6: 1-4

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: April 9th, 2017

In Romans 6:1-4 Paul is not teaching about baptism per se. It certainly contains teaching about baptism, but that’s not the point. The point is the impossibility of those united to Christ to live in sin. Yet Paul drew from a shared understanding of baptism to make certain points about the Christian life. Consequently, this passage is a helpful and clarifying glimpse at biblical baptism. Our text teaches about baptism, and, from baptism rightly understood, it teaches about the Christian life. The point this morning is: those baptized in Christ will live differently from those who are not.

Why Baptism Is So Important (Worship Service, February 12th, 2017)

Title: Why Baptism Is So Important

Passage: 1 Peter 3:18-22

Speaker: Dr. Kevin Bauder

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: February 12th, 2017