Monthly Archives: January 2017

A Conservative Christian Declaration: Articles 6 & 8 (Sunday School, January 29th, 2017)

Topic: A Conservative Christian Declaration

Works Cited: New Testament

Segment #: 04

Speaker: Eric White

Service: Sunday School

Date: January 29th, 2017

Holy Ground, Part 3 (Worship Service, January 29th, 2017)

Title: Holy Ground

Passage: Exodus 3:1-6

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: January 29th, 2017

Our passage last Lord’s Day and this one tells of God’s self-revelation to Moses. The Holy Spirit gave us this word that we might too might behold the holy God who dwells in the bush. When we hear texts such as Exodus 3:1-6, we must respond to God’s true revelation of himself with faith and love. 

A Conservative Christian Declaration: Articles 4 & 5 (Sunday School, January 15th, 2017)

Topic: A Conservative Christian Declaration

Works Cited: New Testament

Segment #: 03

Speaker: Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday School

Date: January 15th, 2017

Holy Ground, Part 1 (Worship Service, January 15th, 2017)

Title: Holy Ground, Part 1

Passage: Exodus 3:1-6

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: January 15th, 2017

When God reveals himself to men, he does so that they might believe on him and love him, so that we might worship and glorify him. So as we come face to face with a monumental passage like Exodus 3:1-6, the point must always be that we must respond to God’s true revelation of himself with faith and love. If it is true that we must respond to God’s true revelation of himself with faith and love, then we should want to know, how does God reveal himself to us? In the text, we see the Lord reveal himself to Moses in four ways:

A Conservative Christian Declaration: Articles 2 & 3 (Sunday School, January 8th, 2017)

Topic: A Conservative Christian Declaration

Works Cited: New Testament

Segment #: 02

Speaker: Eric White

Service: Sunday School

Date: January 8th, 2017

A Sojourner’s Faith, Part 3 (Worship Service, January 8th, 2017)

Title: A Sojourner’s Faith, Part 3

Passage: Exodus 2:11-25

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: January 8th, 2017

It has been my contention that these brief episodes from Moses’ life are intended to show to us the vitality of his faith in God and his promises. As we have looked at Moses character during these early years, it has been an encouragement to us that we too must trust the wise providence of our invisible God:

A Conservative Christian Declaration: Intro & Article 1 (Sunday School, January 1st, 2017)

Topic: A Conservative Christian Declaration

Works Cited: New Testament

Segment #: 01

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday School

Date: January 1st, 2017

With the Angels Let Us Sing, Part 2 (Worship Service, January 1st, 2017)

Title: With the Angels Let Us Sing Part 2

Passage: Luke 2: 10-14

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: January 1st, 2017

The birth of Christ brings good news to sinners because the child born is the Lord himself, because the child born is the human Christ, and because the child is born in historical humility. This week, as we gather around the Table, I want to consider the next two verses. They show the proper response to the good news that Jesus has come. Jesus’ birth and all that it means for poor sinners has one fitting response: praise. I want to draw your attention to three important truths in these two verses.