Tag Archives: What the Reformation Was For

Glory to God Alone (Worship Service, October 29th, 2017)

Title:  Glory to God Alone

Passage:  1st Timothy 1:17

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: October 29th, 2017

While the medieval church was never so ignorant to say out loud that they did not want to give glory to God alone, the facts betrayed a different reality. I do not mention the widespread immorality and sin that spread throughout the church. By holding that Christ cooperated us to make us righteous to pacify God’s wrath, that we might rest in some way on our merits before God, that we must submit to human authority on matters of faith and practice, by the practice of indulgences, the medieval church undermined the glory of God. I want us to consider soli Deo gloria, that we would be a people who give glory to God in our salvation and in our lives.