Tag Archives: The Significance of The Angels

With The Angels Let Us Sing (Worship Service, December 25th, 2016)

Title: With the Angels Let Us Sing Part 1

Passage: Luke 2: 10-14

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: December 25th, Christmas Day 2016

At one moment, the shepherds are afraid they’re going to perish; the next, they have abundant cause for the highest happiness. And, perhaps best of all, the good news is good news from the most High God, a powerful proof that he loves his people. Though in context, the good news is for all the people—that is, all the Jewish people—this good news will in due time come to us all the world. The point of the angel’s message is that the birth of Jesus is God’s good news for sinful people. According to the angel’s words, there are three ways the birth of Jesus is God’s good news for sinful people.