Tag Archives: Sacrifices

Sweet Smell in the Sanctuary (Worship Service, December 2nd, 2018)

Title: Sweet Smell in the Sanctuary

Passage: Exodus 30:1-10; 34-38

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: December 2, 2018

Sanctification by Glory (Worship Service, November 25th, 2018)

Title: Sanctification by Glory

Passage: Exodus 29:35-46

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: November 25, 2018

The sermon is concerned with the rest of chapter 29. Its themes can divided up into three sections: God’s command about the length of the consecration ceremony; God’s command about the daily offerings; and a summary statement about God’s great purpose for the sanctuary. What we read here is God’s way of him graciously providing a way for him to dwell with Israel.

The Consecration of Yahweh’s Priests 1 (Worship Service, November 18th, 2018)

Title: The Consecration of Yahweh’s Priests 1

Passage: Exodus 29:1-34

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: November 18, 2018

The purpose of the consecration is that Aaron and his sons may serve me as priests. If you are going to be in God’s tent, in the tent of the King of all the earth, in the Creator who dwelt in holy Eden, you must first be holy. This ceremony will consecrate these men for such a significant task in the symbolic and representative way that god reveals here in these verses. The intention this morning is first to explain the ordination of the priests so that we understand what is going on here, and then draw out the most significant parts of this revelation for our edification.


Unleavened, Part 2 (Worship Service, September 3rd, 2017)

Title: Unleavened, Part 2

Passage: Exodus 12:42-13:16

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: September 3rd, 2017

We have considered the Exodus from two aspects: what it teaches us about our Redeemer God and the response the redeemed ought to offer their God. We find these responses given by the Israelite’s example and the demands God lays out for them. The Exodus means that God is saving a people for himself. He wants the Hebrew people to know Him. He will dwell with this people and be their God. This means that things must be different for the Israelites. This week, we look at two more responses of redeemed people to their Redeemer.

Yahweh’s Passover (Worship Service, July 30th, 2017)

Title: Yahweh’s Passover

Passage: Exodus 12: 1-13

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: July 30th, 2017

When the plagues finally turn decisively to human death, the clear implication of the verses we read this morning is that Israel is not exempt from the deadly judgment of Exod 12. Chapter 12 teaches that the Lord’s distinction (see 11:7) is by no means arbitrary, but is based on blood, based on the blood of a spotless lamb. God’s sovereign grace of deliverance requires an atoning sacrifice.

Survey of the Pentateuch: The Sacrificial System (Sunday School, June 25th, 2017)

Topic: The Sacrificial System

Speaker: Eric White

Section: 5

Service: Sunday School

Date: June 25th, 2017