Tag Archives: Mosaic Covenant

The Antidote to Idolatry (Exodus 34:18-28; 35:1-3)

Title: The Antidote to Idolatry

Passage: Exodus 34:18-28; 35:1-3

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: March 31, 2019

The verses before us this morning give something of a positive plan for Israel to retain covenant fidelity to Yahweh. Yes, the program echoes the covenant laws of Exodus 23, but they show that Israel’s covenant with Yahweh has two key facets. Israel must reject false gods, but they must also be devoted in heart and hand to Yahweh, the true God.

Do Not Rebel (Worship Service, August 12th, 2018)

Title: Do Not Rebel

Passage: Exodus 23:20-33

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: August 12th, 2018

In our text for this morning, the giving of the covenant concludes with an epilogue. As the Lord gives the Law, the Lord has again and again stressed obedience. But this passage is also about what God will do for his covenant people. In this epilogue to the covenant, we see what God will do for Israel if they keep covenant. That stipulation is important.