Tag Archives: Living for Christ

Saving or Spending (Worship Service, August 14, 2016)

Title: Saving or Spending

Passage: Mark 8:34-38

Speaker: Missionary Mark Perry

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: August 14th, 2016

When Jesus began to teach his disciples that he had come to suffer and give his life, Peter rebuked Jesus. But Jesus reminded Peter that he was thinking from a purely human perspective, not God’s perspective. Instead of avoiding death at all costs, Jesus called his followers together and reminded them that following him means giving up our life.

Following Jesus Christ demands that his disciples forfeit their lives to Him (v. 34). Four reasons:

  • Protecting your physical life brings no eternal gain (v. 35).
  • Protecting your earthly means is a waste of time and energy (v. 36).
  • Your eternal soul is priceless (v. 37).
  • Refusal to follow Jesus completely is a refusal to follow at all (v. 38).