Tag Archives: justification

Justification: Redeemed from the Curse (Galatians 3:10-14)

Title: Justification: Redeemed from the Curse

Passage: Galatians 3:10-14

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: November 1, 2020

Luther’s “discovery” of the doctrine of justification is important in part because he was soul in crisis. He knew the guilt of his sins. In studying Scripture, Luther discovered the truth that salvation was not based on his good works. Instead, salvation was a matter of God declaring us righteous through Jesus Christ’s grace. If we would be right in the sight of God, we must trust in Christ alone, who took our curse away at the cross.

It Is God Who Justifies (Romans 8:33)

Title: It Is God Who Justifies

Passage: Romans 8:33

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Communion Service

Date: May 12, 2019

Justification: the Great Exchange (Worship Service, October 28th, 2018)

Title: Justification: the Great Exchange

Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:21

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: October 28, 2018

Luther said of justification, “Nothing in this article can be given up or compromised…On this article rests all that we teach…Therefore we must be quite certain and have no doubts about it. Otherwise all is lost.” Calvin said of justification that it “is the main hinge on which religion turns.” Jonathan Edwards said that, “the highest glory of the gospel and the delight of the Scriptures is this very doctrine of justification through the righteousness of Christ obtained by faith.” It’s hard to add anything to these remarks. The doctrine of justification is at the heart of authentic Christian theology and practice. Every generation of Christians must rise to articulate and defend it. The key truth of this sermon is that sinners are acceptable to God only because Christ bore their sin and gave them his righteousness. This Reformation Sunday, we try to understand justification by way of 3 important truths in this passage.

Revelation 4: Chapters 4 & 5 (Sunday School, February 4th, 2018)

Series: Revelation

Segment #04

Topic: Chapters 4 and 5

Speaker: Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday School

Date: February 4th, 2018

Faith Alone (Worship Service, October 1st, 2017)

Title: Faith Alone

Passage: Romans 3:21-26

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: October 1st, 2017

One of the key questions for Martin Luther and John Calvin was, how is a man right with God? That is, how can a man be justified in the sight of God? This was central for the Reformers. Their answer, which they took from Scripture, was absolutely right: men and women are justified by faith alone. We also affirm the doctrine of justification by faith alone, not because the Reformers taught it, but because, as they rightly rediscovered, the Bible teaches it. God’s Word teaches faith alone in many different places, but I’ve selected Paul’s words in Romans 3:21-26 to draw it out for us this morning.

A Baptist Catechism: Question 42 (Sunday School, September 24th, 2017)

Question 42: What are the benefits which in this life do either accompany or flow from justification, adoption, and sanctification?

Speaker: Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday School

Date: September 24th, 2017

The benefits which in this life do accompany or flow from justification, are assurance of God’s love, peace of conscience, joy in the Holy Spirit, sufficient grace, and perseverance in it to the end. 

Questions 38 & 39 Baptist Catechism (Sunday School, July 31, 2016)

Title: Question 38 & 39

Topic: Catechism Explanation

Speaker: Luke Streblow

Service: Sunday School

Date: July 31 , 2016

It is Finished (Good Friday Service, March 25, 2016)

Sermon: It is Finished

Passage: John 19:28-30

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Good Friday Service

Date: March 25, 2016

If the Dead are Not Raised, Part 2 (Worship Service, March 20, 2016)

Title: If the Dead are Not Raised, Part 2

Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:11-19

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Morning Worship Service

Date: March 20, 2016

We looked at the first four consequences of denying the resurrection of the dead last week They all point to the main point of vv. 11-19, that the doctrine of a bodily resurrection is absolutely essential to the Christian faith. Paul has been slowly building a chain of consequences, one upon another. Today we look at the final three consequences of denying this doctrine.