Tag Archives: Fearing God

Serve and Rejoice (Psalm 2:11)

Title: Serve and Rejoice

Passage: Psalm 2:11

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: September 15, 2019

In an age of worship confusion, this is a text we need to hear. But even more than the current worship problems that inflict evangelicalism, worship is why we were created. Psalm 2:11 is a call to give to God what is due him. A.W. Tozer defined worship this way: “To worship is to feel in the heart and express in some appropriate manner…a humbling but delightful sense of admiring awe and astonished wonder and overwhelming love in the presence of that most ancient mystery, that unspeakable majesty, which philosophers have called the mysterium tremendum, but which the prophets call the Lord our God.” Worship is the most important activity in the universe.