Category Archives: 02 Exodus

The Glory of the LORD Filled the Tabernacle (Exodus 40)

Title: The Glory of the LORD Filled the Tabernacle

Passage: Exodus 40

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: April 28, 2019

The main character of this chapter is God. This narrative about the Tabernacle is given to help men know God. This has been a theme of Exodus. In 6:7, the Lord said, “I will take you to be my people, and I will be your God, and you shall know that I am the LORD your God.” This story about the Tabernacle helps us know God. Such knowledge demands certain responses of us. So how does the Tabernacle reveal God to us?

Israel’s Building Project (Exodus 35:4-39:43)

Title: Israel’s Building Project

Passage: Exodus 35:4-39:43

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: April 14, 2019

The focus throughout these chapters is on the people as they get to work on the sanctuary. We will pay special attention to how the Scriptures present Israel in these chapters. As you consider look at Israel’s example, you should ask yourself a question. If Israel is acting thus about the Tabernacle which pointed to Christ, how much more should these things be true of me, a follower of Christ himself? How should God’s people respond to his grace?

The Shining Face of Moses (Exodus 34:29-35)

Title: The Shining Face of Moses

Passage: Exodus 34:29-35

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: April 6, 2019

In this passage, we see at core that Moses represents God to the people, and he does so primarily through the ministry of the Word. This passage is about mediation and proclamation. It’s about God’s Man and God’s Word. We must glory in the Word of God, even when it comes to us written by men.

The Antidote to Idolatry (Exodus 34:18-28; 35:1-3)

Title: The Antidote to Idolatry

Passage: Exodus 34:18-28; 35:1-3

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: March 31, 2019

The verses before us this morning give something of a positive plan for Israel to retain covenant fidelity to Yahweh. Yes, the program echoes the covenant laws of Exodus 23, but they show that Israel’s covenant with Yahweh has two key facets. Israel must reject false gods, but they must also be devoted in heart and hand to Yahweh, the true God.

The Effects of Yahweh’s Grace

Title: The Effects of Yahweh’s Grace

Passage: Exodus 34:10-17

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: March 24, 2019

In the beginning of Exodus 34, God told Moses to make two new tablets. this is a signal really for what will follow in chapters 34-35:3. At the core of Exodus 34 is a reestablishment of the covenant God gave in Exodus 20-23 and ratified in chapter 24. Verses 6-7 are crucial. But they are part of a bigger picture in this passage related to the covenant, which still hangs in the balance. This passage shows the effects of God’s grace. As the text continues, we begin to understand more the relationship of God’s grace to his dealings with Israel.

The Grace & Glory of YAHWEH

Title: The Grace & Glory of YAHWEH

Passage: Exodus 34:1-9

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: March 17, 2019

This passage follows God’s allowance in 33:17 that God would still dwell with his people Israel despite their heinous sin at Sinai. This passage reveals who God is and why he does not abandon Israel. As it shows us who God is, this passage is meant to drive us to worship.

I Will Not Go Up Among You (Worship Service, February 10th, 2019)

Title: I Will Not Go Up Among You

Passage: Exodus 33:1-11

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: February 10, 2019

Our passage presents to us a series of contrasts. Things we’ve read of before in Exodus are now very different. And within our text, there is a contrast between the people of Israel, the object of God’s wrath, and Moses, the man of God’s friendship. So the passage shines a light on what sin does, and what it does to the humankind’s relationship with their Creator.

The Book of Life (Communion Service, February 3rd, 2019)

Title: The Book of Life

Passage: Selected Scriptures

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Communion Service

Date: February 3, 2019

Who Is on the LORD’s Side? (Worship Service, February 3rd, 2019)

Title: Who Is on the LORD’s Side?

Passage: Exodus 32:25-35

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: February 3, 2019

Our text today continues to look at the consequences of Israel’s sin. Sin is not pretty. It never is. Even for us believers, God may forgive our sin, but there often remain consequences for our sins in this life. Sin brings about a great deal of suffering, even for those of us who are Christians. We may make one mistake in haste or poor judgment, and that sin will cost us for years and years. This morning, the Scriptures continue to teach us about the ugliness of sin.

But Moses Implored the LORD (Worship Service, January 20th, 2019)

Title: But Moses Implored the LORD

Passage: Exodus 32:7-14

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: January 20, 2019

The scene for our text today moves back up to the top of the mountain, where Moses and God have been meeting over the past several days. Here the Lord informs Moses as to what’s happened. God speaks, and he reveals his own judgment about what Israel has done. Then Moses responds. At root, this passage is about God’s view of sin and the character and efficacy of Moses as intercessor.