Category Archives: Old Testament

The Holy Spirit in the OT

Series: Holy Spirit

Segment #2

Topic: The Holy Spirit in the OT

Speaker: Dr. Eric White

Service: Sunday School

Date: July 11th, 2021

David and Goliath: A Retelling (1 Samuel 17)

Title: David and Goliath: A Retelling

Passage: 1 Samuel 17

Speaker: Pastor Christopher Watson

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: June 27, 2021

  1. Background: Historical; Geographical; Political
  2. Characters: The Antagonist; The Supposed Judgement; The Actual Protagonist
  3. Conflict
  4. Aftermath: A Covenant; A Following
  5. The Why: – an ordeal: Perspectives – From the enemy; from the people; from the divine; The Past Promises; The Future Promises

When God Doesn’t Make Sense (Psalm 13)

Title: When God Doesn’t Make Sense

Passage: Psalm 13

Speaker: Bret Williams

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: June 6th, 2021

When you don’t know what God is doing…

  1. The Questions (vs. 1-2)
  2. The Pleas (vs. 3-4)
  3. The Charge
  4. The Confidences (vs.5-6)

The Submission of the Lord’s Servant (Isaiah 53:7-9)

Title: The Submission of the Lord’s Servant

Passage: Isaiah 53:7-9

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Communion service

Date: May 2, 2021

Daniel’s Final Vision, PT 1 (Daniel 10:1-11:20)

Series: Daniel

Segment: #3

Topic: Daniel’s Final Vision

Speaker: Dr. Eric White

Service: Midweek Bible Study

Date: April 14, 2021


Daniel’s fourth and final vision concludes the book of Daniel. The vision occurs during the reign of Cyrus, and thus Daniel is well over eighty years of age. He was mourning, fasting, and presumably praying for three weeks because of the vision. The fourth vision is similar to the second vision recorded in chapter 8, and it provides new details about the end times.

Chapter 10: Angelic Conflict

Chapter 10 gives the context of the interpretation of the vision which begins in 11:2.. Daniel 10 describes spirit beings unlike any other book in the Bible.

  • Spirit beings appear as men to humans, and they are glorious.
  • They are able to touch people.
  • They bring messages from God to men.
  • They experience conflict in the spiritual realm.
  • They hold power over physical, geographical locations.
  • They abide in time and space.

Chapter 11: Antiochus and Antichrist

Chapter 11 reveals further detail about historical events during the Medo-Persian, Greek, Egyptian, and Syrian empires. Similar to Daniel 8, chapter 11 concludes with a discussion of the final ruler of the revived Roman Empire.

  • Prophecies concerning Persia – 11:2
  • Prophecies concerning Greece – 11:3-4
  • Prophecies concerning Egypt (South) and Syria (North) – 11:5-20

Who is a God Like You? (Micah 7:18-20)

Title: Who is God Like You?

Passage: Micah 7:18-20

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: March 28, 2021

Micah ends his prophecy with a beautiful hymn to the glory of God. He begins, Who is a God like you? The point is that Yahweh is God alone and is most glorious. What is it about God that makes him so glorious?

  1. The Grace of God
  2. The Delight of God
  3. The Future Forgiveness of God
  4. The Faithfulness of God

Daniel’s 70 Weeks

Series: Daniel

Segment: #5

Topic: Daniel’s 70 Weeks

Speaker: Dr Eric White

Service: Midweek Bible Study

Date: March 24, 2021

Daniel’s third vision comes as a result of his reading the prophecies of Jeremiah and praying about what he read. But the Medo-Persian empire took over Babylon and seated Darius the Mede as Ruler, Daniel knew he was living toward the end of the 70-year captivity. In response, he turned to God by faith, seeking the return of God’s promised blessings. Solomon prayed, “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land”(Chron 7:14).

The Ram and the Goat (Daniel 8)

Series: Daniel

Segment: #13

Topic: The Ram and the Goat

Speaker: Dr. Eric White

Service: Midweek Bible Study

Date: March 17, 2021