Monthly Archives: July 2017

Yahweh’s Passover (Worship Service, July 30th, 2017)

Title: Yahweh’s Passover

Passage: Exodus 12: 1-13

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: July 30th, 2017

When the plagues finally turn decisively to human death, the clear implication of the verses we read this morning is that Israel is not exempt from the deadly judgment of Exod 12. Chapter 12 teaches that the Lord’s distinction (see 11:7) is by no means arbitrary, but is based on blood, based on the blood of a spotless lamb. God’s sovereign grace of deliverance requires an atoning sacrifice.

Jesus, Our Torn Veil (Sunday School, July 16th, 2017)

Topic:  Jesus and the Temple Veil

Speaker: David de Bruyn

Service: Sunday School

Date: July 16th, 2017

Time – Gospel-Goad or Futility-Fuel (Worship Service, July 16th, 2017)

Title: Time – Gospel-Goad or Futility-Fuel

Passage: Psalm 90

Speaker: David de Bruyn

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: July 16th, 2017

Survey of the Pentateuch: The Conquest of Canaan (Sunday School, July 9th, 2017)

Topic: The Conquest of Canaan

Speaker: Ryan Martin

Section: 7

Service: Sunday School

Date: July 9th, 2017

The Limits of A Hard Heart (Worship Service, July 9th, 2017)

Title: The Limits of A Hard Heart

Passage: Exodus 10

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: July 9th, 2017

We see examples of the irrationality of unbelief in our passage this morning. Pharaoh is on his last legs. It’s clear that he is no longer in a position of strength or control. So he begins to act more and more irrationally as the plagues go on. This is one of the themes that rise to the surface as God’s judgments on Egypt draw to a close in the eighth and ninth plagues before the final great plague.

Survey of the Pentateuch: Law and Grace (Sunday School, July 2nd, 2017)

Topic: Law and Grace

Speaker: Ryan Martin

Section: 6

Service: Sunday School

Date: July 2nd, 2017

No One Like Him (Worship Service, July 2nd, 2017)

Title: No One Like Him

Passage: Exodus 9:13–35

Speaker: Pastor Ryan Martin

Service: Sunday Morning Worship Service

Date: July 2nd, 2017

The seventh plague, before us this morning, is the fiery hail. It is a lengthy plague. It, like the first and fourth plagues, announces an amplification of God’s original purpose for the plagues. Here the Lord gives Moses a much longer word for Pharaoh than in previous episodes. Like in the first and fourth plagues, a clear statement of the Lord’s purpose in the seventh through ninth (and tenth) plagues right at the outset. This purpose is stated at the end of v 13: so that you may know that there is none like me in all the earth. This Scripture passage is not only about God, however. It also contains important teachings of what this glorious God of the Exodus demands of all humanity. Today, I want you to see from the seventh plague four important teachings, not only about God and who we are before him.